Clubs and organizations are an important part of the App State Experience. Explore your passions, develop valuable leadership skills and create lifelong bonds and friendships.
教育和娱乐 音乐会、喜剧、电影和其他校园活动 由学生为学生挑选.
We value diversity as the expression of human similarities and differences, as well as the importance of a living and learning environment conducive to knowledge, 尊重, 验收, 理解和全球意识.
App State is committed to achieving and sustaining inclusive excellence for its campus community. 了解更多关于 App State的多样性和包容性.
的 stories of the App State Community are intriguing and multifaceted, and each individual contributes to the rich fabric of excellence here. 你会在App State找到谁? 与社区接触.
50+ 多元文化和国际俱乐部和组织
18.3% students from racially and ethnically underrepresented populations
108% 代表性不足学生的增长(自2014年以来)
App State的教员, staff and students have a strong service ethic and are actively involved in the communities surrounding Boone and throughout the world. Service sets us apart from other institutions and leads us all to value how our lives, 不管澳门赌场导航娱乐的职业是什么, 服务他人能让自己变得更有意义吗.
服务、领导和学习. 行政长官办公室 Community-Engaged领导 让App State的学生参与学术活动, experiential and community-oriented programs within our local and global communities.
100+ 当地的非营利组织每年都会参加
近200万 志愿者为澳门赌场导航娱乐的社区做出了贡献
App State has the resources and support you need to stay focused and on track — academically, 经济上和个人上.
在App State, students choose a community in which to live and learn. 你是否住在校园里, 校外, 和室友一起或独自一人, 有很多东西需要考虑和发现.
20 学生宿舍
16 住宿学习社区
免费洗衣 在校内宿舍
你一天吃两顿饭还是五顿饭? 喜欢在课间吃草? 需要找个地方学习,吃点宵夜? You’ll find plenty of choices among our 膳食计划 options to best fit your lifestyle, 预算和进度.
27% of food (equivalent to $1+ million) served comes from local sources
100+ 每年有数吨的有机材料堆肥
40% of university waste diverted from landfills through reduction, recycling and composting
A safe and healthy environment is key to your ability to focus on your 教育. App State brings a holistic approach to wellness and offers dedicated resources on our campus to help you navigate your years at App State safely and successfully.
无论你是学生运动员, 登山爱好者, 户外运动爱好者, 想玩得开心, 想要获得或保持健康或以上任何或全部, App State有很多东西可以提供.
为400多名参加比赛的学生运动员加油 17个NCAA一级大学体育项目.
80+ 校内的运动
21 俱乐部体育
11 康乐及运动设施
免费的票 所有的田径项目